
Become The Master Of Your Thinking: Thoughts as Divine Guidance

Become The Master Of Your Thinking

Imagine that every message you receive and internalize is divine guidance. Being overwhelmed with a negative internal dialogue is your divine guides way of letting you know that the thinking you have adopted does not serve you. Beliefs about yourself are first received as whispers but have potential of developing into exigent shouts. Your guide yells loud and clear so that you can be aware and change course. 

The divine does this not to have you think poorly of yourself, but because the safe assumption that you will be pushed to such an edge that you’ll have no other choice but to move in another direction. Anyone who faces self-critical messages, or a negative internal dialogue, must take them as evidence that the divine trusts in their ability to redirect. Since not everyone is aware of this, people convince themselves that their internal dialogue is fact. 

Remember that any belief that feels good aligns with who you really are. Any belief that does not feel good, on the other hand, has simply stumbled across your experience temporarily with the intent to move elsewhere. Meaning and purpose can always be carved out of misaligned beliefs. There is no such thing as being thrown off the divine path, and every new direction can serve us. One thing is for certain: any feeling or belief that aligns with your true nature will feel good.

So, how do you master your thoughts?

  1. Remember: you become what you think, so think how you want to become.

It is quite easy to think of the ideas we encounter about ourselves as fact. Therefore, any ideas that we nurture and see as truth will certainly become our reality. Take this excerpt from Earl Nightingale’s book “The Strangest Secrete” for example: 

‘Invariably, the land will return what is planted. As it is written in the Bible, “as you sow, so shall you reap.” Remember the land doesn’t care. It will return poison in just as wonderful abundance as it will corn. So up comes the two plants: one corn, one poison. 

Now the human mind is far more fertile, far more incredible and mysterious than the land, but it works the same way. It doesn’t care what we plant. Success? Failure? A concrete worthwhile goal or confusion, misunderstanding, fear, anxiety and so on. But what we plant it will return to us’ (Nightingale, 2019).

Any thought you nurture will develop into your reality. Your way of thinking becomes your truth.  Your life is a reflection of your thoughts. You will know you have found a truth aligned with your authentic being when it feels good. Truths that do not align with your authentic being will not feel good. Take unpleasant truths as invitations for redirection.

Think of your mind as soil that rejects no seed; It’s ultimate goal being to bring anything it receives to life. Think of your internal dialogue, ‘good’ or ‘bad’, as those seeds.

2. Know that your beliefs aren’t fixed

Our minds are unfathomably malleable. No thoughts are fixed. Let this free you from concern and open you to relaxation. Find delight in the idea that your mind will expand through even the most minor adjustments. See the abundance in even the smallest adjustments you make.

3. Recognize the power of small adjustments

Consider this: think of a hiker in a desert who adjusts their footpath by just 1° clockwise. Simply by making this seemingly minuscule, incremental adjustment, overtime they will end up at entirely different coordinates than if they would have continued on a straight path by using a compass. See the abundance in even the smallest of adjustments, as they hold the potential for remarkable redirection.

4. Depersonalize your thoughts

The way to ‘depersonalize’ negative internal dialogue is by perceiving it as divine guidance. Ideas that don’t feel good come from something beyond you that is urging you to be more aware that your current life approach does not support your higher-self. 

Any emotions, thoughts, ideas, or beliefs that surface that do not feel good are simply not aligned with you. This means you can stop identifying with anything that comes to mind that doesn’t feel good to you. Feeling uneasy is evidence that somewhere there exists ease that will support you along your life’s unfolding. You can be certain of this because all things exist because of the existence of their opposite (ease, unease).

Thank the divine for their guidance

Easily, you may become absorbed with forms of thinking that do not support your well-being. See the potential being shown to you for redirection and acknowledge the gift of choice that is being presented before you. 

Feel gratitude in the knowing that negative internal dialogue is not, was never, and will never be personal.

Breathe, relax, and know that a loving version of you awaits not far from where you are now. 

Brandy Maria